Layer Ducks for Sale (price drop, complete sell out) MAKE OFFER

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We only care that these animals go to great homes. They have already paid us well with eggs and ducklings!

All ducks and gander are young, 
hatched 2018, 2019, 2020

We have LAYER DUCKS for sale.

Our ducks are free-range during the day, and go into a small secure barn for protection at night. We feed just a little bit of layer pellets and food scraps in the warm months, they mainly free-range insects and plants. During winter, we feed layer pellets, dried meal worms, vegetables such as sweet potatoes, and a variety of other foods.

We are looking for free-range (during the day) homes and give high preference to homes with a pond for the ducks to enjoy. Our ducks were hatched 2018, 2019, and 2020.   

Group one is: 
1 Khaki Campbell Drake
3 colored ducks (white layer/ Rouen mix)
4 white layer ducks (sometimes referred to as Layer 300) 
Price: $70 (free drake, $10 each female)

Below: Khaki Campbell Drake

below: white layer ducks

below: Drake in the foreground of photo. All ducks are molting now and shifting colors.
The other four are females.

Below shows the great difference in size between the Pekin (left) and the White Layer Duck (right).
Pekins are primarily a meat breed. White Layer Ducks are primarily an egg layer breed. 

Group two is:
1 white Chinese Gander (male goose)
1 White Layer Duck
10 ducklings in a variety of colors
Price: $70 ($10 each adult, $5 each duckling)

This "silly gander" somehow thinks he is the father and protector of this flock of ducklings and mother duck. They get along great and the gander keeps them safe. This gander is not dangerous to people. He prefers hanging out with the birds, but he is okay with people too. It would be nice to find a female goose for him. Geese pair up (they don't need several females for one male, like ducks and chickens need). So he would just need one goose to pair up with. But he loves this duck and ducklings. We would like to find someone who wants to keep them together. An eventual addition of one female goose would be great for him too!

below: just another photo of most of the flock

below: we feed food scraps, so healthy for the birds!

Group three:
1 White Layer Duck
8 ducklings
Price: $50 ($10 adult duck, $5 each young duckling)  

We keep these in the barn most of the time for their first week and a half. This group will be ready to go out and free range with the others soon!

This female gets along well with group one and can be sold with them. I think she would be happy just her and her ducklings too.

We can discount prices if group one and group three are sold together. 

We also have a White Layer Duck who just started nesting. She will be for sale with her ducklings when the time comes. 

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